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Coding Projects


Path of Light Yoga Studio

This was an assignment for my HTML and CSS class that I taken at Southwestern College. This site consist of unordered lists, tables, audio, and a form. It is also a responsive website, the menu and other elements will move and change depending on the size of the screen. Please use button below to visit site.

Path of Light Yoga Studio

This was an assignment for my HTML and CSS class that I taken at Southwestern College. This site consist of unordered lists, tables, audio, and a form. It is also a responsive website, the menu and other elements will move and change depending on the size of the screen. Please use button below to visit site.

Pacific Trails Resort

This is another assignment that was done during my HTML and CSS class. This one is also a responsive site and it also features a video of the resort, a table of the prices, and a form for a reservation. Please use button below to visit site.

Pacific Trails Resort

This is another assignment that was done during my HTML and CSS class. This one is also a responsive site and it also features a video of the resort, a table of the prices, and a form for a reservation. Please use button below to visit site.

Final Project

This is the final project of the class. I used what I learned and created a personal website that talks about me. The main point of this assignment is to see what I have learned and utilize it to create a website.

Final Project

This is the final project of the class. I used what I learned and created a personal website that talks about me. The main point of this assignment is to see what I have learned and utilize it to create a website.